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GiftAFeeling's Campus Ambassador Program - Is it for you?

GiftAFeeling's Campus Ambassador Program - Is it for you?

Vinayak Mahajan |


Brand Ambassador Introduction:

Do you enjoy meeting others and find yourself regularly attending social events? Do you understand the impact of a great brand? Are you engaging and friendly, yet professional? If so, our Brand Ambassador position could be perfect for you. We want someone who will have fun in this role, and who actually believes in our brand and products.

The Brand Ambassador will spend the majority of their time interacting with our customers and potential investors on the phone, online, and in-person. Your primary task is to ensure our brand is consistently displayed and accessible to our target market. You would work to ensure our brand is viewed positively. Like to travel? The Brand Ambassador role requires you to attend various social events, such as fundraisers, job fairs, and other social gatherings around North America.

Brand Ambassador Responsibilities
In this role, you will report to the Head of Public Relations. Responsibilities will include:
  • Engaging with prospective and existing customers in a professional and friendly manner
  • Representing our brand at promotional events and other marketing initiatives
  • Acting as a subject matter expert for our brand
  • Communicating with potential investors
  • Responding to customer questions and concerns in-person, by phone, and via social media
  • Promoting our brand via our social media accounts
  • Recording customer feedback and relay them to the marketing team
  • Attending events outside of office hours
  • Other duties as required
Brand Ambassador Qualifications:
  • Post-secondary education focusing on Business, Marketing, or Public Relations
  • 1 or more years of experience in a similar role considered a strong asset
  • Strong interpersonal skills and a friendly, warm personality
  • Valid driver’s license and own form of transportation
  • Ability to work on a variable schedule
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to work independently
Brand Ambassador Core Skills:
  • Customer service
  • Marketing
  • Telephone Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Presentation skills
  • Trade shows
  • Writing ability
  • Professionalism
  • Interpersonal Communicating
  • Social media
  • Flexibility

What’s in it for you?

  1. Get Freebies and Earn Money Working:
  2. GiftAFeeling is proud to open its robust and successful affiliate program to it’s ambassadors, you! Learn how to sign up and make money with it here: https://www.giftafeeling.com/pages/how-we-make-you-the-money Moreover, you can also use your personalized coupons to avail discounts for yourself.
  3. Build Your Resume’:
  4. GiftAFeeling is an internationally recognized startup and one of the fastest growing brands in North America. Thus, its reference and experience is highly valued across the globe. When you write down that you worked with a popular, well-known brand, this is sure to carry weight in the job market.
  5. Connect with People You Know on Campus and Around Your Local Area:
  6. When you work as a brand ambassador, you let others know about the brand and that you’re a sincere employee. Thus, letting people know your commitment and dedication. Moreover, as you organize events in your college/university or your local area, you gain leadership as well as communication skills which are a must in today’s market. Furthermore, the network you form while leading such events and initiatives make people come to you rather than you going to people for networking.
  7. Expand Job Possibilities with the Brand:
  8. GiftAFeeling is proud to offer its ambassadors a lifetime direct interview opportunities. Meaning, you never have to apply to a position at GiftAFeeling; just send your resume’ and experience letter of Ambassador role to Hello@GiftAFeeling.com and skip the screening round.
  9. Win an iPhone 12:
  10. Track and submit your progress throughout the term in order to win an iPhone 12 at the end of the term. All the ambassadors are evaluated based on their submissions and the top performer will be awarded an iPhone 12. Top 10 performers will also get runner up prices and opportunities.
    College/University students often lack job experience on their resumes. But, when you work as an ambassador, this is certain to add a favorable feature to your resume.

Event FAQs: Answers to the questions you will receive from attendees

What is GiftAFeeling?
GiftAFeeling, like many people understand, is not merely a gifting site. It’s a place where you can educate yourselves on “how to give a perfect gift” based on research and studies done by Harvard, University of Berkeley - California, BBC, Association of Consumer Research, and clinical psychologists around the world.
While GiftAFeeling provides this education in terms of videos, books, research papers, blogs, and many more; they also sell gifts that are personalized, provide an unforgettable experience, are practical, and provide a long-term satisfaction.
What are the benefits of GiftAFeeling?
Having spent years working with clinical psychologists, studying research from the Association of Consumer Research, UCBerkeley, BBC, and so on., it is found that there are four common attributes of gifting that tends to evoke chemicals relating to happiness in the human brain. These attributes are:
  1. Personalization
  2. Usefulness
  3. experience, and
  4. long-term satisfaction
These four attributes are certain to spark the feelings and emotions of happiness, wholesomeness, and contentment if done right. And as our CEO likes to put it - “These four attributes are the secret compounds to spark the right chemicals in your brain, whether it’s for you or anyone else - they never miss”
GiftAFeeling offers education on these as well as all their products are proven to fulfill these 4 pillars of a perfect gift. Thus, their gifts/products are sure to be loved by the recipients!
What's the shipping like?
Shipping destinations:We ship worldwide for FREE! No minimum orders or amount.
Shipping times:We try our best to produce and ship the item on the same day that you order, but sometimes: US orders can take 2-3 business days to be delivered to you. International orders take 5-7 business days to be delivered via UPS, FedEx, Purolator or USPS. Shipping time might vary depending on location, shipment method and other factors.
If I want to join as a Brand Ambassador - what's the process like?
GiftAFeeling hires round-the-year. You can keep a track of hiring on their job site - https://www.giftafeeling.com/pages/career-opportunities OR follow them on LinkedIn which is their major platform for hiring people.
How is GiftAFeeling different?
Simply put, and to break the thought cycle of what many people think of GiftAFeeling, which is “it’s a gift e-commerce store”, I would rather say that it’s a learning platform where you can learn anything and everything relating to “The Science of Gifting” on a practical manner so that you can choose the right gift for your friends and family. And as we always say - we never tell people to buy from GiftAFeeling because we don’t believe anyone can ever get someone to buy from us. We understand that there are a lot of companies out there investing fortunes into their marketing strategies to snach every single penny out of customer’s pockets, but it only takes one badly received gift over all their promises that would mark the downfall of these companies. However, what we believe in and recommend you is to get educated on GiftAFeeling. Learning the Science behind gifting is of utmost importance, not only to gift well, but to also refrain from falling prey to these other giant companies with their fake promises of “Best gifts”.

Conclusively, this company was created to bridge this gap between learning and buying, based on research done on human psychology. With the vision to leave zero questions in the mind of people when they are gifting, our goal is to make gifting as easy as grabbing coffee; no over-thinking or questioning. Our company redefines the word “Gift” as "GiftAFeeling”.
What is the refund policy?
Unlike every other company, we don’t want you to read through hundreds of lines to learn how we refund and return items. Thus, GiftAFeeling provides a human readable policy: https://www.giftafeeling.com/blogs/news/our-services On a side note, we donate the returned items to a charity of your choice, and any damaged apparel will be donated to animal shelters for their needs. The charity options will be provided to you when you contact us for an item return.

Goals playbook

Goal 1 - Ready: Learn Your Playing Field
  • Learn Who We Are - Follow our channels
  • Complete Your LinkedIn Profile - Add GiftAFeeling experience.
  • Complete Your Training - Resources Provided
  • Kickoff Team Meeting
  • Research/Plan Your Personal Opportunities & Goals.
Goal 2 - Set: Create Your Marketing Plan
  • Understand your calendar & timeline for events/posts
  • Social Media - Participate and share.
  • Giveaway Items & Prizes (gift cards, t-shirts), distribute your personalized coupons.
  • Online as well as on the ground Marketing
Goal 3 - Go!: Execute Your Marketing Plan
  • Event roles & duties
  • Day of event or promotion checklist
  • Event FAQs: Your answers to questions
  • Overall Best practices for an engaging event
  • Information Sessions
  • Reporting and sharing progress (guidelines)
  • Post Event: Now What?
Additional Information(please review the “4 - FAQ’s & Resources” doc - attached in the email).
  • FAQ
  • Best practices for working with the National Office
  • Monthly meeting expectations
  • Social Media Channels Links
  • Timelines & Deadlines
Goal 1 - Getting READY:
Let’s get ready! First, as a Campus Ambassador, you need to understand what opportunities are available to you on your local campus and area to promote the GiftAFeeling brand and drive awareness. In this section, we will discuss the early steps you can complete once you’ve been hired as a Campus Ambassador.
LEAD AMBASSADOR: Meet your President
Campus Ambassadors are not directly part of the executive board. However, it is important to know and communicate with those that lead you. Your Lead Ambassador is Priyanka Sai. Should you have any questions or concerns throughout the term, you can reach out to her at GiftAFeeling1@gmail.com.
Step 1: Submit your IDs (within 24 hours)
Please submit a government issued ID (example - Driver's License, Passport copy, etc.,) within 24 hours. Secondly, it is recommended that you update experience to add GiftAFeeling on your LinkedIn profile (please create if you don’t already have one). Once completed and accuracy confirmed, please email Hello@GiftAFeeling.com so we can process and mail your welcome kit
Step 2: Complete Training
Training is done independently by each ambassador on the team. Training means learning about the brand - who we are, what we do, and what’s your role
  1. Watch this amazing YouTube video.
  2. Read About Us, the services we provide, and what we sell.
  3. Check out our blogs.
  4. Check out how we fulfil bulk orders(it may have something for you!)
  5. Take a tour of our US production facilities.
  6. Training can take up to 4 hours and should be completed in the next 1-2 days.
Step 3 - Follow our channels
As an addition to all the training, GiftAFeeling takes pride in educating all its users and followers on their social media channels. We post educational videos in different format - videos, carousels, pdfs, pins, etc., to turn education into a captivating format called Edutainment (education + entertainment). Follow us everywhere:
Instagram,Facebook, Quora, LinkedIn, SlideShare, Pinterest, YouTube.
If you don’t want to follow the links, just locate @GiftAFeeling on any of the above mentioned platforms.
Step 4 - Monthly Touchpoints
We will have our first team meeting to introduce the role and have your immediate questions answered. We will go over a sample calendar of events and the social media strategy. In some instances, due to timing, the team may have met already. These meetings will be recorded. If you missed the team kick-off meeting, connect with your lead ambassador right away to get filled in. Calendar invites will be sent out two weeks prior to the touchpoints. In total, there will be 4 checkpoints for your 4 months term - one touchpoint each month. The goals, progress, and strategies will be shared in these touchpoints.
Step 5: Research/Plan
1)TABLING LOCATIONS - Identify the best high traffic locations (student union, quad area, local restaurants, etc.) that will be your target areas to table as an ambassador.
Location Tips: Tabling activities work well in places like:
  • Student unions
  • Transportation lots
  • Anywhere campus events are already hosted
  • Main thoroughfare to classes or main campus building
  • Welcome week/Student Org Fair
  • Dorms during move-in days
  • Arenas or sports facilities around an event
  • Career Fair
Highest trafficked space (dining halls before, between, and after classes) or after work meetups. You can connect with people virtually on LinkedIn or any other means should there be any COVID restrictions.
2)IDENTIFY PARTNER GROUPS/DEPARTMENTS - Identify key groups to request support in promoting that GiftAFeeling invitations have been mailed. Each Ambassador should think of 3-4 other groups or departments/majors on campus for who we could engage. Example group(s) to network with:
  • Student involvement office
  • Residence Life
  • Campus events groups
  • Career Services
  • School of Business
  • Other leadership organizations
During COVID, while everything is switched to virtual, you can email your college’s or university’s events hub or International centers.
3)IDENTIFY CAMPUS POLICIES - Research and confirm the campus policy around handing out materials and marketing (chalking/flyering). Clarify and understand all regulations before engaging in these activities. Ensure the National Office knows of your plans. ex: tabling, flyering, chalking, handing out leaflets without a table
4)IDENTIFY SPECIFIC DAYS AND TIMES - While we await the final timeline of events for your specific campus, as a team, you should confirm the best times to be in your hotspots, as well as the best days of the week to conduct tabling activities and information sessions. The goal is to be visible to the largest number of students possible with the full Ambassador team present.
5)RESEARCH THE CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT FAIR - One of the best ways to be visible is to host a table at the involvement fair. If this event falls during the invitation timeline, confirm all Ambassadors are able to attend and table. Discuss as a team.
GOAL 2: Let’s get set!
This stage begins once GiftAFeeling has finished the orientation, you have a week days before the first event and social media post. We are going to timeline out our calendar and activities down to the specific date/time for a clean and easy execution plan. Your goal is to apply the tactics given in this portion to maximize the opportunity on your local campus.
Understand and Finalize the Calendar
During training and in the ‘Ready’ phase, you identified the ideal days, times, and locations for hosting the most successful tabling events and information sessions. GiftAFeeling will also provide you a schedule of social media posts which you will post from your personal social media accounts. You will use this as your official calendar/job schedule. We recommend using a Google Calendar to keep track of your events. This way you can invite each Ambassador and any helpers to each and every event, and it is on everyone’s calendar. If you’ve never used Google Calendar before, here’s a guide to getting started.
1st Week
  1. Sign up for our Affiliate program - make money as well as safe money!
  2. Ensure table space is reserved appropriately and all Ambassador team members committed, know the logistics
  3. Confirm with the GiftAFeeling that this is scheduled, so they can mail giveaway items to campus. Confirm shipping address & delivery date for materials to be mailed.
  4. Identify the specific marketing tools to drive people to your event/table--what marketing tools will you use? (flyers, chalking, ads on TVs/newsletters)
  5. Let’s talk digital now: With COVID, most of these activities are now switched to virtual; leaving social media platforms, the only means to communicate and organize events! Here’s what you can do:
    • Invite your friends and family to follow GiftAFeeling on all the platforms; if not all then Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Quora.
    • Share our posts and participate by commenting.
    • Invite people and join our lives.
2nd week
  1. Finalize a task list for each Campus Ambassador to conduct marketing leading up to the event and the day of the book launch event (such as chalking, hanging flyers, etc.)
  2. Review all collateral and materials you received from us.
  3. Create a plan for who will pick up and bring the materials and collateral from the mailing location to the event location
  4. Let’s talk digital: Here’s what you can do:
    • Share, invite, and promote our Book - Unearthing the “Gift”. Details on this will be provided a week prior to the due date.
3rd & 4th Week
  1. The first plan is implemented (chalking, hanging flyers, social media, etc.)
  2. Prep the Campus Ambassadors for the events coming up for the week
  3. Keep sharing, participating, and educating.
  4. Share our Bulk Ordering opportunity with your college’s/university’s executive team; both student executives as well as college’s. Help them save money with amazing discounts!
5-8th week
  1. Now that you have learned about us and have done your first month’s tasks - share your progress reports in a word doc or spreadsheet!
  2. Wait for an email about upgraded instructions according to your performance. An invitation for touchpoint would be sent out in the 5th week. During the touchpoint the leaders board would be shared - listing the top ambassadors from the first month. You can see your rankings and see how close you are to winning iPhone 12 and other amazing prices.
  3. Ensure all technology is charged, and working (speaker, personal laptop/ipad). This will be an important touchpoint for the rest of your term/terms
  4. Keep sharing, participating, and educating people in your vicinity. 5) The agenda for the rest of your term will be shared in the touchpoint as you will be divided into subgroups based on the performance, and strengths. Some of you may be promoted as well!
STEP 3 - Let’s go!
Last, as a Brand Ambassador, you’re now ready to make an impact. In this section, we’re going to review what happens during the invitation cycle specifically. If you follow these steps to activate your plan, you’re going to crush it on campus or in your local area
. As you will learn in your 5-8th week touchpoint, you will be hosting an event in either your college or your local area - either in-person or online!

Day of Event
Checklist It’s go time! Here’s the checklist of things that need to get done the day of the event.
3 Hours
  1. Confirm attendance - Get people to RSVP for your event.
  2. Confirm technology is charged and ready for use
2 hours
  1. Collect all collateral and materials to bring to the event location with the help of other Campus Ambassadors
  2. Collect all documentation of approvals to have on hand with you (just in case)
  3. Collect all technology to be utilized at the event (computer, iPad, speaker for music, etc.)
1 hour
  1. Head to the location or get your computer ready in case of an online event.
  2. Set up the tabling per the tabling guidelines (see below) or do the final testing of your machine.
Launch time
  1. Turn on music (Top 40 only), open the bridge and drive traffic to get started
  2. Utilize points from script to engage people passing by (see below for options
  3. SMILE! You’re doing it!

Overall Best Practices for hosting an engaging event
We want to create engaging campaigns that people can’t miss out on. Here are our 10 best practices to creating them:
  1. Be proactive and prepared - you “start” before the campaigns or event or social media promotion starts (If you’re not early, you’re late)
  2. Keep a consistent tone with professionalism, poise, and positivity. Should you need any resources, let us know!
  3. Have music playing pre and post if you’re doing an in-person event.
  4. Smile, always smile! :)
  5. Be cognizant of body language (don’t cross your arms, don’t turn your back to the table)
  6. Ask open-ended questions when speaking with students
  7. Keep personal conversations to a minimum, focus on engaging people walking by or whoever you’re sharing on social media.
  8. If doing in-person campaigns, make sure the table is neat, clean, and presentable. You should have easy access to all materials at all times, and should always have items visible to give away.
  9. Stay off of your cell phone/put it away if organizing a meeting or an in-person event.
  10. Ensure internet access is available and connected. Promote the step & repeat photo op, raffle, and giveaways.
Tabling (for in-person events)
The goal of setting up a table at any event is to provide information about what your organization has to offer through affiliate opportunities, promotions, education, products, services, and much more. The table set up makes you approachable, and the conversation becomes natural.
HOW TO SET UP YOUR TABLE: The table set up makes you approachable, and the conversation becomes natural.
  • All Campus Ambassadors present
  • All “Team: items mailed to you
    • -Step & Repeat
      -Small informational cards/leaflets
      -Giveaways items
      -Wireless speaker & ability to play music from it
  • Computer with wifi
For advice on the best way to set up your table reach out to the National Office.
  • Have www.giftafeeling.com open on the computer. Have each student enter their own information into the enrollment form on the laptop you have onsite. If it is being used by someone else, guide students on how to sign up via their cell phone.
  • Provide your personalized coupon code to each student that signs up as a member as a gift from you!
  • Add the name/contact info of each student who signs up to win the large raffle item.
For students who don’t want to join, promote the info session and have them RSVP via the specific link you will be provided. The goal of hosting information sessions is to provide information about what your organization has to offer through job opportunities, promotions, showcasing photos or videos, products, services, education, and more.

Host 2 virtual information sessions in the 2nd month. More information on this will be provided during the touchpoints (these are listed as part of the “Set” phase calendar).
GiftAFeeling will provide you with a format for the information sessions in the monthly touchpoints.
What to bring
  • All Campus Ambassadors present
  • All “Team: items mailed to you
    • – Step & Repeat
      – Banners
      – Small informational cards/leaflets
      – Giveaways items
      – Wireless speaker & ability to play music from it
  • Computer with wifi
Get Set Up
  1. Set up early, including music, food, technology, giveaways
  2. Ensure someone is at the door to greet guests, or even outside directing people in
  3. Walk attendees to seats towards the front of the room
  4. Keep the meeting short (Ideally 15 minutes, max 30 minutes)
  5. Rehearse the presentation
  6. Host Q&A, but know when to cut off questions that are too detailed.
Post Event It’s time to wrap things up. Here’s a checklist of what needs to be completed post the event.
Within 30 minutes after event
  1. Pack up the materials - tabling items and collateral
  2. Take inventory to identify if there are any depleted collateral items that you need to re-order
  3. Bring the event materials to their storage location.
Within 3 hours after the event
    Submit post event recap and all necessary forms to the team on the Ambassador Hub.

Campus Ambassador Role FAQs

  • As the Ambassador what role do I play with the chapter executive board? The Ambassador position is not part of the executive board.
  • Who do I report to? Priyanka Sai (GiftAFeeling1@gmail.com).
  • What is the duration of the role?The duration for the Campus Ambassador is 4 months. Please check the offer email for your start and end date. This can be shifted based on the invitation timeline.
  • Can I be both an eboard member and a Campus Ambassador?Yes
  • Can I hold this position multiple times? Yes, a Brand Ambassador can come back for multiple seasons.
  • If I am an ambassador can it lead to an eboard role? Possibly! We are always looking for great team members to join their executive board.
  • What is the summary of my job? The goal of the ambassadors is to bring awareness of GiftAFeeling to students and the general public in your vicinity through tabling, information sessions, and social media, both personal and other clubs, departments, or offices on campus.
  • Monthly Touchpoint Format
    • All Lead Campus Ambassadors will be responsible to schedule a monthly check in meeting virtually.
    • All teams are expected to meet monthly during the invitation timeline. ● Invitations for monthly touchpoints will be sent 2 weeks prior to the date of the meeting.
Campus/Local Activation Social Media Strategy Organic Social
Brand ambassadors will actively publish content throughout the cycle. It is encouraged that they use the posting plan customized to their college and local area, and sent to them at the beginning of their Ambassadorship. As a note, ambassadors should update copy to add their own personality and campus lingo.

General Guidelines

  • Language
      – Avoid using “join” in referring to accepting an invitation
      – State that nominations/references are earned and it is an exclusive opportunity to selected students who meet the required criteria
      – Use “GiftAFeeling” and not “Gift A Feeling”
  • Inquiries
      – Respond to all incoming messages and comments within 24 hours
  • Organic Posts
      – Brand Ambassadors should post organically in the following places:
      • Quora, Instagram, Pinterest, LInkedIn, and TikTok.
      • In relevant groups across social media (graduating class, etc)
  • Partner Posts
      – Brand Ambassadors should try to partner with other campus groups/clubs and departments to post on their pages. For example, your campus has an Entrepreneurship club, you could ask the club about featuring a GiftAFeeling post on their pages.
      – Brand Ambassadors should reach out to the campus’ main social media account to see if they could post on behalf of the GiftAFeeling.
  • During Tabling & Info Sessions – Dedicated posts on GiftAFeeling’s wall and in groups to support events.
    – During the events, take pictures and post to GiftAFeeling’s wall.
  • Tagging & Hashtags
      – Always tag the university
      – Always tag the GiftAFeeling corporate accounts #GiftAFeeling, @GiftAFeeling
      – Always hashtag with the university’s name
      – Tag #gifts, #personalizedgifts, #customizedgifts
      – If possible, when taking pictures with potential members try to tag them in posts
  • Posting Frequency
      – Post 3-5 times per month on Facebook and Instagram pages
      – Twitter, Tik Tok, Snapchat can be used as much as desired

Should you have any questions, please email Hello@GiftAFeeling.com

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